Copyright – the Basics
With the explosion of content available on the internet and in print, wide use of social media and ease of dissemination, it’s more important than ever to know who has the rights to content and who can exploit it. Publishing is all about intellectual property, and who owns it.
Copyright – the Basics gives an overview of how copyright works within the publishing industry. The focus is on UK law, with a brief review of how it operates on a European and international level.
This half-day course covers ownership of print and digital copyright – what rights copyright provides, how rights may be licensed, what you can do with other people’s copyright-protected work, and current issues. There will be time for discussion and questions during the course. Course content is regularly updated to keep pace with changing laws and uses real-life cases and examples.
The course is ideal for anyone who works with copyright in their role, or is interested in the topic. It will increase your understanding of, and confidence in discussing, copyright issues. With legal fees often costing £300 per hour or more, it represents excellent value for money.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is involved in the creation and publication of copyright material and use of services and content online.
- Editorial assistant or Editor
- Marketing assistant, executive or manager
- Publicity assistant, executive or manager
- Rights assistant, executive or manager
- Social-media assistant, executive or manager
- Website assistant, editor, executive or manager
What will you achieve?
On completing this course you’ll be able to:
- Understand how rights in content are created and owned
- Understand how ownership of work can be protected
- Secure the rights needed for particular exploitation
- Understand the relevance and importance of certain contractual clauses
- Understand when permission is needed for use of material
- Understand when consent is needed for use of personal data
- What copyright protects - regulations, economic and moral rights, originality
- Ownership of copyright - law, length
- Copyright licences - Crown copyright, Creative Commons, contractual
- Infringements - and how to remedy them
- Non-infringements - exceptions, fair dealing, fair use
- Current situation - personal data, online, social media, Brexit
For more information about any of these courses, please email or sign up to receive our newsletter for updates on these and our other offerings.
Leslie Lansman Please read our Terms & ConditionsDates
Thursday, 24 April 2025
Wednesday, 01 October 2025
Wednesday, 03 December 2025
Date information for future sessions
April 2025
- Dates: 24 April
- Times: Each session will run from 9.00am to 12.30pm
October 2025
- Dates: 1 October
- Times: Each session will run from 9.00am to 12.30pm
December 2025
- Dates: 3 December
- Times: Each session will run from 9.00am to 12.30pm
Course format
- Virtual course
- 9am to 12.30pm
- Two x 1.5-hour sessions plus break
A number of discounts are available
What you will need
To join the course, you will need access to a computer, tablet or laptop with a camera and microphone. You will need to activate a free Zoom account to join the course. This takes two minutes and does not require any payment. It is purely for administrative purposes.