A Commissioning Editor's Guide to Working with Authors
A Commissioning Editor's Guide to Working with Authors aims to help develop an understanding of the distinction between ‘managing your authors’ and ‘working with them’.
It is important to know how to achieve prompt delivery of scripts not by cracking the whip, but by understanding authors’ motivations and the pressures of their own day jobs. It’s about learning what levers to pull, and being sensitive to individual circumstances, rather than being ruthless and demanding in achieving your own ends!
Course content
- Acquiring authors
- Briefing authors
- Maintaining communication
- The author relationship
- Project Management
- Post publication
e-learning modules are optimised for desktop and laptop devices and not tablets and smartphones.
Learning outcomes
By completing this module you will gain a clearer understanding of:
- authors' motivations
- successful negotiation
- better briefing
- accurate feedback
- mutual communication
How does the course work?
A Commissioning Editor's Guide to Working with Authors has six units. Across the units there are exercises and model answers.
How to enrol
To enrol, you need to click on the Add to Cart button on this page. You will be asked to register (if you have not already done so). You will, at that point, be asked to pay by credit/debit card.
You will have access to the course for eight months from the date of your enrolment.
Refunds: Fees for e-learning modules are non-refundable, as immediate access is available to all the relevant course material.
Please read our Terms & Conditions.
What is included?
Course Materials
Full access to the PTC's online learning platform where you will find all the materials you need to complete the course. Where relevant, downloadable materials are provided so you can practise your new skills as many times as you need to feel confident that you have mastered them.
Upon successfully completing the course you will receive a completion certificate from PTC.
Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) points
Passing this course is worth 2 non-core points towards upgrading your CIEP membership.
About the authors
Brenda Stones has many years' experience in commissioning, editing, writing, lecturing and training. She started as a graduate trainee at Cambridge University Press and finished as Publishing Director at Oxford University Press, including smaller trade and independent presses in between.
Since then she has been Visiting Lecturer for the Publishing Studies MA at City University and has written 20 home-learning titles for WHSmiths. She has run many training courses for the PTC, and delivered publishing training overseas in Bangladesh and Eritrea. She is currently a freelance editor.
Rebecca Lovell has been commissioning authors for more than 10 years, both in the educational and non-fiction trade sectors, most recently for Cambridge University Press.
Related courses
The PTC offers virtual classroom courses, self-study distance-learning courses, and a range of e-learning modules. See below for those that complement or build on this course.
Virtual classroom courses
- Advanced Copy-Editing
- Copyright – the Basics
- Developing Effective Management Strategies in Publishing
- Editorial Project Management
- The Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- Grammar and Punctuation – the Basics
- How to Mark Up PDFs with Adobe Acrobat
- Introduction to Digital Project Management
- Line-Editing workshop
- Negotiating for a Win-Win Outcome
- Progress in Editorial Skills
- Publishing Strategy Toolkit
- Rewriting and Substantive Editing
- Working with Authors
Distance-learning courses
e-Learning modules
- A Comprehensive Guide to Copy-Editing
- An Editor's Guide to Author Queries
- An Editor's Guide to Editing Fiction
- An Editor's Guide to Editing Illustrations
- An Editor's Guide to Editing References
- An Editor's Guide to Editorial Style
- Essential Copyright for Publishers
- Essential Editorial Project Management
- Proofreading PDFs: A Complete Guide for Editors
This e-learning module was developed with the support of the Unwin Charitable Trust.
Special offer
Buy the full set of e-learning modules for only £120 (usually £199). Click here for more details.
Invoice request form
If you are from an organisation and need to request an invoice to pay on someone else’s behalf, please complete this form
Eight to ten hours with eight months access to the module.
PTC e-learning modules are concentrated, online courses that focus on specialist topics relevant to publishing working life. They are designed to build on a foundation of existing skills and experience.