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Monday, 22 August 2016

Introduction to Editorial Skills: A delegate's view

hands on keyboard"I attended the Publishing Training Centre’s Introduction to Editorial Skills course on the 18th July 2016. As a newbie Editorial Assistant I was hoping to gain more confidence in my proofreading and copyediting skills and to fully understand the responsibilities involved in each task. The course took place over two days and was based in Central London.

"Our teacher, Caroline Knight, was excellent and used a mixture of group discussion and individual exercises to keep us focused and engaged throughout the two days. She encouraged us all in discussing the exercises as a group and it was helpful for us all to have the opportunity to compare our thoughts. There were about ten delegates on the course, which seemed just the right size. It was a friendly group and it was great to have the opportunity to discuss amongst ourselves and ask questions without feeling overwhelmed. We were also given some really excellent course materials to use during the course and to take away with us and I have found them very useful since.

"I would thoroughly recommend anyone starting out in a career in editorial to consider this course. My confidence has increased massively upon returning to work with this course under my belt and I have found that I have been able to easily apply the skills I learnt during the course to my work."

By Chloe May, Editorial Assistant, Osprey Publishing.

Introduction to Editorial Skills is now run virtually across three sessions. Find out more and book here.