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Proofreading, copy-editing and rewriting of texts (reports, articles, theses, policy papers etc) for clients - including those using English as a second language - in the academic, public and third sectors.
I work in a wide range of fields but offer particular knowledge and expertise in the social sciences, social research, public policy, government and governance.
Experienced at working with authors using English as as a second language.
MA (Hons) Social Policy
Experienced social researcher
Author / co-author of numerous research reports
CIEP courses:
Editing in Word
Getting to Grips with Grammar and Punctuation
Introduction to Macros (Part 1 and 2)
Research agencies, third sector bodies, universities, individual students and academics
Professional Member, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
Member, Social Research Association
  • Basic Proofreading (up to version 5)
  • Copy-Editing (by Distance Learning)